A Peaceful Environment

There's something about being in the woods in winter after a snowfall. The fresh snow mutes sound and everything is still. It's easy to feel peace in that environment. It's natural to stop and admire the surrounding beauty; until your fingers go numb and you need to get moving to stay warm, of course. I haven't done too much snowshoeing, but every time I've gone it's been one of the more peaceful and calming physical activities I've done.

Personally, I have found that the more removed and isolated I am from nature, the more difficult it is for me to find moments of peace. Repeatedly, when I need moments for reflection and introspection, I seek time in nature. It gives me the space and disconnection from the frenetic pace of our current lives that I deeply crave.

It's not always possible to run away to the woods, or whatever natural environment brings you peace, in order to find peace. So then the task becomes finding ways to bring that feeling of peace into our present circumstances. Bringing in plants or greenery, finding a candle or other scent that reminds you of a location you felt peace, playing music or sounds that remind you of that place: these are all ways to bring that environment to you.

As you continue your preparations for the upcoming year, evaluate your space and environment. What can you do to make it more peaceful? How can you bring nature more into your environment? How can you make time to get outside?




Prepare the Way for Peace