A Post

It all has to start somewhere. For me, it starts with a post. And then another, and another, and another. Until there is a blog. And a history.

So where will it go from here, and what can you expect?

In the next post, I’ll cover in more detail the type of content I plan to share, at least at first. For a quick sample, expect book reviews, thoughts on ideas I find interesting or relevant, and entries on my creative outlets. While this may brush on topics that may be uncomfortable, my goal is not to share my opinions, but to share my attempts to approach each topic with respect, fairness, openness, and compassion while reserving judgement.

Being human, I will phrase things poorly, or straight up get them wrong. So I ask that you correct my understanding or expression with respect. If I neglect to credit ideas or content appropriately, please point that out and I will acknowledge and correct it. Ideas should be shared, but also credited.

I don’t have any earth shattering revelations. Or flashy advice. What I can offer is a desire to learn more and share what I’ve learned in order to cultivate conversation and solidify my understanding.

So farewell until next week’s introduction part 2.


What to Expect…