Seeking Joy
This is a lighter approach to joy than the one earlier this week. While it is valuable to be aware of the distinction between joy and happiness, we need to make time in life for a lighter approach to, well, life. This is the type of joy that we will be talking about seeking today.
It's easy to race through life from task to appointment to obligation so quickly that we forget to slow down, stop, and look for the joy around us. We put off joy until it's more convenient. Or we think that joy is waiting to be discovered in some grand adventure, fabulous vacation, or exotic location. But this just leads to stress, unhappiness, and discontent.
Instead, we need to make seeking joy a regular practice. Make room for joy this season and every season. If you have a child, engage with them and discover what's making them laugh and enjoy it with them. My son's current favorite giggle song is "Boom Chika Boom Christmas", especially the end. It is pretty funny.
A friend and I will joke about Forced Family Fun, but if you have teenagers, that may be something that is a real part of your family. Game nights playing crazy games can bring joy, unless competitiveness is an issue, of course. Or maybe that makes the game that much more exciting. If there's a game that one of your family members enjoys, spend some time learning and playing that game.
If you need some alone time in seeking joy, go for a walk, or spend some time outside if it's not too cold. If that doesn't work for you, brew a cup of coffee or tea and settle into a chair with a favorite book. Or engage in a hobby you enjoy.
These are all simple things, yet the more we seek joy in these small things, the easier it will be to find joy each day. If at all possible this season, find a way to share joy with another. Give away joy through a smile or kind word. Share in joy through a child's laughter or another's smile. Seeking and sharing joy is never a waster endeavor.