Setting a Different Tone

I took some time to figure out where I wanted to go from Advent. In the end I decided to continue with the original intent of the blog, which was to cover a wider range of content. To that end, I decided this week to write a post that will hopefully be somewhat interesting, while being helpful to me at the same time.

One of the struggles that nearly every crafter faces is the mountain of unfinished projects that can pile up over time. We may lose interest, get frustrated, not have the materials or not have the skillset to finish a project, so it gets put away in the Work In Progress (WIP) pile. Mine is so large that I can't manage it any longer and need to work through some of these before starting anything new. So I have decided to start a monthly series where I choose several projects to focus on for the month. Then in my next project post, I'll update on my progress and also choose something to replace a finished project if there are any. So without further ado.....

Project 1: Tytka Studios backpack

For this project I need to sew the straps onto the back piece, sew the back to the front, finish that seam and attach the hardware. It shouldn't take too long, but several of the steps are things I haven't done too often.

Project 2: Quiet book page

This is such a quick finish, and I might actually have it done before this post goes live, but life has been a bit chaotic, so I added it here. All that's left to do is sew on the binding and then put in the holes and grommets for the quiet book.

Project 3: Imagine our Life Continents of the World Animals and Landmarks

This project is going to take longer to finish, but I'd like to make progress on it each month. This month I'm working on the North American animals and landmarks. Ideally, I'll be able to get one to two continents completed per month.

Mending & Fixing:

Finally, there is the general mending and fixing. I have two stuffies, one of which needs a little more stuffing in the neck in addition to the seam repair. And I need to replace the battery in our Yoto Mini.

Well, I think that's enough to accomplish for one month in addition to other tasks and goals. What projects are you hoping to work on this month? I'd enjoy hearing what's in your queue.

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), and to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?
— Micah 6:8 Amplified



Day of the Innocents