Making a Christmas to Enjoy

As we wind down this season of advent reflections, we begin to look ahead to Christmas. The excitement is building, plans are coming to fruition, last-minute gifts are still being purchased. Gifts are being wrapped and exchanged, Christmas cards are written and sent out. We are barreling toward the day.

Yet for all the preparation, the celebration goes past in the blink of an eye. How can we extend the season rather than attempting to cram everything into such a compacted frame of time. The answer lies in part in extending the holiday, but in a way that's not cramming more and more in, but in a way that brings peace and space for deep contentment and enjoyment.

While we sing about the 12 days of Christmas, we don't really put them into practice any longer, at least in the social circles and cultures I am closest to. In this way we do ourselves a disservice. We lose the flow of work and rest, the space for both joy and solemnity.

This is something our family will be doing this year, slowing down and extending the celebrations. I don't completely know what that looks like for us, but do have some plans. I will be spending more time focusing on my family and friends, and resting. With snow on the ground, I'm also looking at ways to get back outside to enjoy the snow.

Create space for rest this season. Be intentional about spreading out the celebrations in a way that brings peace and joy. Be a counterpoint to hustle culture.




The Year Without Christmas