
I have to admit that I am looking forward to the completion of this advent series and the relative rest of the Christmas season. Through the process of writing these posts, I have had to confront areas of weakness in my own life, areas where I've failed, and areas where I don't measure up. Not to others' expectations of me, or even to overly high expectations I hold for myself. I don't measure up to my potential.

Yet this is the beauty of the "already-but-not-yet" that has been a theme through "Shadow and Light". We can look at our present circumstances and realize that while we are not where we want to be, we have the opportunity to get there. The challenge is in being aware enough of what we are comparing ourselves to that we can evaluate effectively and honestly.

This is a hidden value of rhythms and traditions in our lives. They give us the opportunity and the permission to look both behind and ahead without any baggage attached. They give us expected times to reflect on how far we've come as well as assess how we can push and challenge ourselves to more fully fulfill our potential.

I know that this year I will be taking more time for real reflection, writing it down so I can look back at how far I've come. Because we will never know how far we've come unless we document where we are right now. I have come a long way, but I don't really see that because I don't record it for myself.

Take some time this season to write down some thoughts about where you are right now and what you think your potential is. Then make a reminder to take that out and look at it again in a year to gauge your progress. Who knows, but this time next year, you may even have increased your view of your potential as you discover your worth.


Welcome to Our World

